How was your weekend? Enjoy the Night of Execution on Sunday?
It really was a Bank Holiday weekend of contrasts.
Some of us enjoyed the first Coronation in our lifetime and followed it up the next day with an excuse to meet and socialise with neighbours with a picnic in Tredegar Square. Some great memories to treasure.
Meanwhile the Hac in Morgan Street had back-to-back events.
On Saturday there was a "secret" club night that went on until after midnight. It wasn't a secret for long though, with heavy bass music blasting out from the Hac hitting the residents of Morgan St and Rhondda Grove in particular. Around 9.30pm one female resident was accosted whilst walking home from Mile End station.
After midnight, despite at least two visits from the council's out of hours Noise Response Team, it was still in full flow. Literally full flow, with "ladies" squatting and urinating on Morgan Street in the gutter. At one point the whole north-western junction of Tredegar Square had cars parked across it, with the grid lock extending along to Rhondda Grove. The next morning the street was littered with lots of large NOX cannisters, plastic cups, empty whisky bottles, tissues galore and such.