Following the work of the Constitution Sub-Committe, an updated MEOTRA constitution was adopted at the AGM on 17th April 2024. This updated Constitution is below.

Mile End Old Town Residents' Association


 1. Name

The name of the Association is the Mile End Old Town Residents’ Association (MEOTRA) and, for this purpose, Mile End Old Town is defined as the area bounded by Mile End Road, Coborn Street, the railway, and the Regent’s canal. MEOTRA is an unincorporated organisation, run by residents for residents; it has no resources other than limited sponsorship and donations (and occasional fees from filming), and the time and effort of its volunteers.

2. Objects

The objects of the Association are:

  1. To work for the general improvement of the area in the interests of residents;

  2. To support the conservation of the heritage, and historic nature of the area, and defend it from development likely to be detrimental, working with third parties as appropriate, and after appropriate consultation with residents, perhaps through emails, newsletters or informal meetings;

  3. To foster and sustain a community spirit in the area, including the regular organisation of community events such as seasonal or celebratory gatherings.

3. Membership

The Association consists of all people who live in the area (residents), and is committed to equality of opportunity and of treatment.

4. Committee

The Association is run by a Committee of residents elected by residents.

  1. The Committee comprises a Chair, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, plus up to six other members;

  2. Officers are elected by Committee members from among their number;

  3. Any adult resident is eligible for election to the Committee;

  4. Committee members, including the officer roles, are appointed for a three-year term, renewable once;

  5. The rotation of Committee members will be staggered, with three appointed every year;

  6. Nominations for vacant Committee places will be invited annually in February, in preparation for elections to take place at the AGM;

  7. A quorum consists of 50% of the number of Committee members plus one;

  8. In the event of a tie, the Chair has the casting vote;

  9. Committee members may appoint another member as proxy;

  10. Committee members may attend meetings, and vote, remotely;

  11. The Committee has the discretion to co-opt additional members who will stand down at the next AGM, or to remove members, as necessary;

  12. The Committee shall meet at least four times a year.

5. General Meetings

  1. The Annual General Meeting will be held in April of each year.

  2. At least three weeks’ notice of the AGM will be given.

  3. The quorum for an AGM shall be 20 ordinary residents.

  4. The Chair and the Treasurer will present their reports at the AGM.

  5. If it considers it necessary, the Committee may call an Emergency General Meeting. Additionally, 20 residents may petition the Committee to call an Emergency General Meeting.

  6. Committee members will consult and listen to residents as required throughout the year, including through newsletters, emails, and informal meetings.
