Events at the HAC
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Let's get ready to rumble? |
The events held at the Hac last weekend undoubtedly caused problems for numerous local residents. Many locals have emailed to say how their weekend was mired by the goings on.
There seem to be three key issues:
The building is NOT soundproof - Even with the large wooden doors shut, any amplified music just goes straight through the huge single-glazed church windows. It often travels as far as Grove Road. This is unreasonable and is blights the lives of residents.
Events are NOT managed properly - There doesn't seem to be anyone from the church actually onsite to ensure any disturbance is kept to reasonable levels. The first the church hear about issues is an email, text, or by doorstepping at Sunday Service by residents. The church don't experience it firsthand themselves.
Events finish too late - Music blaring out of a night from a club night is not something a quiet residential area should have to put up with. Last weekend there was a most unroyal street party in Morgan Street which really got going at 12.20am as punters left the club night.. Women urinating in the gutter, men in local mews, cars blocking access, the NOX and other illicit substances. We even had the "Shoreditch car bar" phenomenon where people open their boot to get prepped on cheap booze (and god knows what) before a night out or to continue partying in the street afterwards. Litter galore the next day.
License - what license? A quick Google indicates hosting a boxing match is classified as "regulated entertainment", yet Sunday's event seems to have been unlicensed? As we mentioned previously we have events coming up that have been given licenses until 1AM.
The MEOTRA committee are meeting on Monday and will discuss issues surrounding the use of the Hac, but please if you were affected by the events you need to speak up and write to the council...
Were you affected by last weekend's events at the Hac?
Tower Hamlets Council are reviewing the licensing and noise issues due to recent events at the Hac. If you were "inconvenienced" (to put it politely) then it is important to let the following know giving as much detail as you can (Date/Times/What you witnessed/Photos/Videos etc):
- Email our two Bow West councillors Asma Begum and Nathalie Bienfait
- The council licensing department (
- The council's [noise] Environmental Health Team.
(first-hand accounts and photo/video evidence are really important)
Note: You will need to give your name and address for complaints to be looked into by the council.
More information is available on the council's licensing and noise control web pages.