Useful Information

Want to know who to contact if your bins haven’t been emptied or where to call when you hear the late night car racing down your street? We’ve gathered all of the useful contacts in one place. Please remember that MEOTRA is entirely independent of all of these contacts.

Our local representatives

  • Cllr Nathalie Bienfait


  • Cllr Asma Begum


  • Uma Kumaran


  • Mayor Lutfur Rahman


  • Unmesh Desai


Anti-social behaviour or other policing issues

Whether it’s laughing gas in the Square or those 2am car races down Morgan Street, report any anti-social behaviour to the police.

Our police safer neighbourhood teams and community safety partners have stressed that it is really important for residents to report any anti-social behaviour. Doing so builds a picture of the area and means that issues will become higher priority for police to investigate.

You’re not being a busy body and you’re not wasting police time. The more we share, the more likely something will get done. 🤞🤞

You can make reports by calling 101 or using the form online here.

The area also has the Bow West Ward Panel that hosts quarterly meetings with relevant stakeholders. It’s an opportunity to discuss ongoing problems in the area and to help set the policing priorities for the Bow West Safer Neighbourhood Team.

We share the dates for the Ward Panel meetings by email. If you’re not yet on our email list, sign up here.

Rubbish, graffitti or anything else you want the council to look at

If you notice that something isn’t as it should be, you can report it using the Tower Hamlet’s Find It Fix It app. You can download it for Google Play or Apple. The app lets you log details/photos of any issues and the council should respond.

If you’d prefer not to use the app, you can report a street cleaning issue here.

If the issue remains unresolved, try contacting one of the local representatives above.

Anything else…

Here are some of the useful numbers for the area. Please note that MEOTRA is not affiliated with any of these.

Council numbers:

·     Council hotline and switchboard: 020 7364 5000

·     Pest and noise nuisance: 020 7364 5007

·     Out of hours noise response Thu-Sun 8pm-3.30am: 020 7364 5000

·     Urgent social care for adults: 0300 303 6070

·     Streetline: 020 7364 5004

·     Healthline: 020 7364 5016

·     Housing Options Service: 020 7364 7474

·     Council COVID-19 support line: 020 7364 3030

Local organisations offering support:

·     Tower Hamlets Connect (social care support): 0300 303 6070

·     Bow Foodbank: 07398 776145

·     Samaritans: 116 123