New Sainsbury’s: planning update

As instructed by residents at the AGM in April, the Committee has now complained to LBTH regarding how the Consultation for the new Sainsbury’s at the corner of Mile End Road and Rhondda Grove was handled. We have also asked for clarification on several logistical points. 

The full text appears below. We will post LBTH's reply when we receive it.

Dear Sir or Madam

As mandated at our AGM on 17 April 2024, I am writing on behalf of Mile End Old Town Residents' Association (MEOTRA) to complain about how Planning Application PA/09/00422 has been handled by LBTH. MEOTRA is the Residents' Association for approximately 900 households in the Tredegar and Clinton Road conservation areas, E3.

Overall, while this is primarily a complaint, we should be grateful for the Council's practical solutions to the concerns raised. Can we please request an action plan to address the concerns surrounding the transportation of goods, customer parking, alcohol-related ASB and the impact on local policing resources of more shoplifting. In addition, can we please have a full explanation and/or clarification of the competition issue and how this supermarket may impact local independent shops.

Our complaint falls under several headings, as follows.

1. Informing residents

The officer's report states "4.1 Nearby occupiers were notified by post on 31/08/2023". However, no notification of this Planning Application (PA)  was received by a single resident as far as we can ascertain. There is a strong feeling locally that this PA was pushed through without involving any residents.

2. Servicing and vehicle movements

Seemingly, little thought has gone into considering the major issue of servicing the supermarket and vehicle movements. Many local street corners (e.g. Rhondda Grove, Morgan Street, Aberavon Road, Tredegar Square) have been built out and extended in the past to restrict and prevent the movement of large vehicles. There is the real possibility that larger vehicles attempting to enter/exit Rhondda Grove at the junction with Morgan Street will get stuck as the turning space is restricted. Such incidents would likely cause chaos in the local area.

3. Competition issues

Seemingly, no thought has been given to potential competition issues with existing supermarket provision in the area and the protection of local independent shops. Who decides where supermarkets go? If this issue has been considered by the Council, where can we find relevant minutes of the relevant decision-making body?

4. Consideration of parking arrangements for customers

Residents have raised legitimate concerns about parking in the area as people begin to park up locally in order to "pop in" to the supermarket. This is already a busy location, given the large number of Gateway housing vehicles, which is not changing, and many car owners parking up at or near Mile End Road to pick up passengers alighting the tube at Mile End station.

5. Concern about ASB caused by more local shops selling alcohol

Rhondda Grove, Morgan Street, Aberavon Road and Alloway Road already have ongoing issues with the consumption of alcohol in public. There is a legitimate concern that this issue could worsen given that the supermarket has applied for a licence to sell alcohol. What work has been done to scope this issue?

6. Impact of shoplifting on Police time

There is already a major issue of shoplifting in existing supermarkets in Bow. The opening of this supermarket may cause more shoplifting, thereby creating more work for the local police. What thought, if any, has gone into this issue, please?

I look forward to your reply. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require further clarification on any of the points raised.

I am copying this email to the Best Value Inspectors.

Kind regards

Christopher Rawlins


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