Useful Contacts

This information is provided for the convenience of residents. MEOTRA is not responsible for the content or availability of external websites, nor do these represent recommendations.

Tower Hamlets Council
Cllr Asma Begum
Bow West Ward
Labour Party
Cllr Nathalie Bienfait
Bow West Ward
Green Party
Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Executive Mayor
Aspire Party


GLA Representative MP for Bethnal Green and Bow
Unmesh Desai
Labour Party
Rushanara Ali
Labour Party

Greedy Cow

Wildlife and Green Issues
Tower Habitats. This is also the site to contact about recording an interesting species that you have spotted locally (choose ‘Wild Things & Places’ then ‘Latest Wildlife Reports’).

Other Bow-Centric Sites
Bow Idea Store (includes the library)
Our Bow. This site has been setup to enable  the voices of Bow to get heard and to bring the community together.
ThingsToDoEverywhere This site, by a resident of Tredegar Square, has a section dedicated to things to do in and around Mile End. It is a great read and regularly updated as Mile End itself changes. Thoroughly recommended.

Safer Neighbourhood Meeting 22nd February


A Real Eastenders' Christmas