Four found guilty of killing Shea Gordon in Bow

Shae Gordon

Shea Gordon was repeatedly stabbed on our streets just after midnight on the 4th of September last year. He died of his injuries despite the best efforts of passers by and the emergency services. Today four teenagers have been found guilty of killing the 17-year-old following a trial at the Old Bailey (see BBC News, Daily Mail, East End Advertiser).

Jurors were shown CCTV footage of four men entering the party, held at the Lichfield Road Epainos Church, wearing balaclavas and hoods. The four left the party but later returned and headed towards the crowd gathering outside just after midnight. Shea was stabbed by his attackers and then chased along Lichfield Road and then into Alloway Road. He then turned  right into Morgan Street where he collapsed. 

Abdul Yaro, 19, and Kavian Vaughans, 18, were found guilty of murder whilst Dainnan Witter-Cameron, 18, and Giovanni Addae-Johnson, 18, were convicted of manslaughter. All four were tried as adults.

Vaughans, Addae-Johnson and Yaro, who are from Tottenham, and Witter-Cameron, of Enfield, will all be sentenced in September.


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