Meotra Winter Newsletter December 2021

Photo of Tredegar Square of a night as seen from Morgan Street

Our latest newsletter dropped through letterboxes 2-3 weeks ago and I hope you managed have a read and find something of interest. If you didn't get a copy through your door then please let us know by email, but here is an online copy of it in any case.

The 8-page newsletter included articles about Liveable Streets, School Streets, a MEOTRA project aimed at rewilding the Holy Trinity churchyard, an opportunity for you to feedback on Tredegar Square Gardens and several other features. Please do take a look and let us know what you think.

Since the newsletter was distributed we have of course had our Carols in the Square. Many thanks to Vivien and Alice for ensuring we had plenty of mulled wine and mince pies and to the Meotra committee for all their efforts. The event was quite well attended, especially considering the state of our Covid-afflicted nation, and I hope those of you who attended (around a 100 or so?) enjoyed yourself. The kids enjoyed Santa and his presents, and grabbing the mic. I must apologise for the amplified singing - all professional singers seemed to go underground - which left yours truly with the mic in hand for the first time ever. Next year we will have background music and more mince pies.

If you have any photos from the carols then please can you email them in. Any other feedback is welcome too. Thanks,

Don't forget we archive all our old newsletters on this page

We would like to thank WJ Meade for their ongoing sponsorship of Meotra and their recognition of the importance of a residents association. You have supported us through a difficult couple of years. Thanks.


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Stan Jones 1929-2021