Street Cleaning Issues - Use the LYN App to report concerns


Too common a site: An overflowing litter bin on Grove road
Two weeks without emptying

Lately, our streets have not been in a good way. 

Musa, our energetic broom-spinning street cleaner, who many residents thought was off sick, was in fact relocated to Bethnal Green.

So who took over from Musa? No one as far as we can tell. The open-backed caged trucks were supposed to empty the street bins daily, but that hasn't happened.

MEOTRA have emailed the Mayor and local councillors, and indeed within two minutes the matter was brought up at the council's monthly Overview and Scrutiny Committee Meeting. You can watch a recording online if you really are that interested (from 36.30 mins in with the MEOTRA bit at 1hr:44mins). The section on recycling, litter, street cleaning is around 2 hours and 15 minutes long. 

Mayor Biggs has also replied and assured us that keeping our streets ship-shape is a priority.

Just a reminder, the easiest way to report just about ANY issue in Tower Hamlets is to use the council's Love Your Neighbourhood (LYN) mobile phone app. Take a photo, pick a category and send the report in under a minute (it knows where the issue is using your phone's GPS).

There are LYN versions for both android and the iPhone, just click on the appropriate image below:

 You can also report common street cleaning issues using the following forms:

Strangely, having managed to get the issue raised on-the-fly at 8.30 last night in a council meeting, Musa has returned to our streets this morning 🎉🎉🎉 What a coincidence 🤔? We are going to follow this up with his boss and establish why our streets were left upswept and street bins unemptied.

Musa cleaning Grove Road, Bow
Normality returns to the 'hood

Six huge bags filled, ties laces and carries on

A pile of black bin bags in Grove Road
Even the graffiti is disgusted



Over 50s Winter Warmer Concert - at the Eco Pavilion, 9th December, 2-4.30PM


MEOTRA Carols in the Square Returns - Sunday 19th December, 5PM