Gardening in Bow Churchyard - Sat April 7 (10.30-12.30)

Photo of the Bow Church Gardens looking towards the church entrance

This Saturday, weather permitting, is an opportunity to help out with some gardening in St Mary's (Bow Church) Churchyard. The churchyard is looking very pretty but needs some tidying up. The event runs from 10.30 to 12.30 with a cake break.

For those of you who haven't been to Bow Church, the Churchyard and naturalistic garden beyond the church are surprisingly tranquil places. The latter actually rises up like the prow of a ship onto the beginning of the flyover and is teeming with a varied selection of plants.

Tower Hamlets Cycling and Walking Mayoral Hustings (April 5, 6.45PM)


April Fool's Joke - Gated Development