Planning News - Appeal to develop land at rear of 48-52 Grove Road DISMISSED

The site at the rear of 48-52 Grove Road, Bow which developers wish to build on

In November 2015 St Johns Development Ltd submitted an application "Proposed one x bedroom dwelling". This was refused by LBTH and the decision upheld by the planning inspectorate (see here).

Then in November 2016 St Johns submitted a new application " Erection of single storey B1 (office) building and extension to cycle storage". This too was refused (see here). 

And now, thanks in part at least, to the 27-odd residents who wrote objection letters and of course to MEOTRA's David Berridge, an appeal to the Secretary of State via the Planning Inspectorate has also been dismissed.

One has to wonder what St Johns will try next? Will they look after the space as a garden for the residents of 48-52 Grove Road as they agreed to do in their original (granted) planning application?


Planning News: Benjy's Towers (Again!)


Urban Makers East Market - this Sat/Sun 12-5PM, Ecology Pavilion