Neighbourhood Forum Meeting: Saturday 25th March 4-6PM, Chisenhale Gallery

Photo of Chisenhale Gallery, Bow

This coming Saturday, 25th March, is a public meeting of the Roman Road Bow Neighbourhood Forum at the Chisenhale Art Place from 4PM to 6PM

The Forum's Steering Committee will be giving an update on the progress so far. There will be the opportunity to meet other local residents, businesses, groups and resident associations. Everyone will have the chance to ask questions; to contribute to themed 'idea stations', and to find out about the next stage of the Forum and how you can get involved.

There will be refreshments too so please do pop in for a cookie and a natter about your concerns and hopes for the Roman Road Bow Neighbourhood.

I do hope a fair number of MEOTRA residents can make it. It is important that we contribute to the plan.

Further details are available here:

MEOTRA AGM - Thursday 6th April. 7 for 7.30 start


New Free Exhibition at the Art Pavilion: Force of Nature (5-March to 9th April)