Redevelopment of Beny's Site: 15-storey block proposed

An artists impression of the proposed 15-storey block of flats as seen looking west towards the Green Bridge from opposite Mile End Station

The application to build a 15-storey block of flats on the site of Benjys has returned. Many apologies for the late notice, but the deadline for objections is this Wednesday.

MEOTRA will be objecting, but I can't stress enough how important it is for as many objections to be registered as possible before the deadline.

Our main concern is that the building is too tall for the area and will literally raise the bar for future developments nearby (e.g if the BT exchange, Gateway Housing or TA buildings be redeveloped will they be as tall?).

Mile End is defined in the LBTH Local Plan as a "Neighbourhood Centre" and as such new buildings should be in context with their surroundings.  The proposed scheme is completely out of context with its neighbours.

A graphic from LBTH illustrating the range of heights of buildings within the borough

The developers also admit there are issues with the building possibly creating a wind tunnel

You can find a sample objection letter template here, but please do customise it to match your own thoughts and feelings on the scheme.

Please email objections to:

The proposed view looking south from Grove Road towards the tower block

An architects drawing of the view of the tower block from the Mile End Park cycle path.

An artist's impression of Benjy's Tower as seen from near the north end of Aberavon Road


Planning Permission Refused for Grove Road back garden office building


Planning Applications