MEOTRA Carols: 5PM Sunday in Tredegar Square

Morgan Street front windows decorated for Christmas
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas....
It's the annual MEOTRA Carols in Tredegar Square tomorrow (Sunday) from 5PM. Mince pies and mulled wine for us oldies; and biscuits, fruit juice, sparklers and presents from Santa for the children (oh to be a child again ;( )

I'm sorry for the late notice, but I had a little office celebration last night and have kind of lost a day! Walking around Mile End today it was really cheery to see so many front windows decorated and maybe next year we should have a competition for best window display?

I hope lots of you can come tomorrow it promises to be a great event.

Update on Redevelopment of Grove Road Texaco site.


Deadline looms for Comments on Re-Development of Grove Road Texaco Site