Monday Feb. 2nd - £10,000 up for grabs for our Ward

£10k per ward.... times and dates of ward fund meetings

At 6.30-8.30PM on Monday the 2nd February at St Paul's Church in St Stephen's Rd there will be the first of the 2015 Local Community Ward Forums facilitated by our ward's Community Champions. The idea is folk come together and "brain storm" ideas for spending around £10k for the ward on community projects.

Last year the budgets for Bow East and West were combined (ie £20k) and were spent on a variety of projects including the Roman Road Festival

You can read more about the  priorities and budget allocation decisions made during the previous (2014) round of local community ward forums on the council website.

Do you have any ideas for projects we could put forward for the 2015? Let me know as I'll gladly adopt it as my own :) Actually I do have an idea, but am keeping it under my hat for the moment until I have a better idea of costings.... I'll let on in a forthcoming blog.

So put Monday 2nd Feb (6.30-8.30PM) in your diary and I hope to see you there.


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